Amiga Format CD 42
Amiga Format AFCD42 (Issue 126, Aug 1999).iso
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Text File
515 lines
% -*- slang -*-
% This is a sample startup file for the slrn news reader. The percent
% character is used for comments.
% Note OS/2 and Win32 users:
% To separate directories you can either use a single '/' or
% double '\\'. Single backslashes are not supported. For example, use
% "C:\\home\\file.txt" or "C:/home/file.txt" but NOT "C:\home\file.txt"
% SERVER to NEWSRC mapping
%server "hsdndev.harvard.edu" ".jnewrc-hsdndev"
%server "news.uni-stuttgart.de" ".jnewsrc-stuttgart"
% The next line is for those servers that require a password.
%nnrpaccess "HOSTNAME" "USERNAME" "" % Prompt for password
%nnrpaccess "HOSTNAME" "" "" % Prompt for username and password
%hostname "YOUR.HOSTNAME"
%set username "jd"
%set realname "John Doe"
%set replyto "jd@somthing.com"
% Name of signature file to use
%set signature ".signature"
% The quote string will be used when following up/replying
set quote_string ">"
% If non-zero, signature will not be included in quoted text of followups
set followup_strip_signature 0
% If set to 1, slrn will not allow you to post articles that contain
% non-quoted lines whose length exceeds 80 characters. If set to 2, a warning
% will be generated.
set reject_long_lines 1
% This regular expression defines lines that are consider to be quoted lines.
% It says that any lines beginning with 0-2 spaces followed by a either
% a >, <, :, |, or = character is a quoted line.
ignore_quotes "^ ? ?[><:=|]"
% This sets the follow-up and reply strings. Here, the following format
% specifiers are recognized:
% %d:date, %r:real name, %f:email address, %s:subject,
% %m:msgid, %n:newsgroups, %%: percent
set followup_string "On %d, %r <%f> wrote:"
set reply_string "In %n, you wrote:"
%Custom headers to add to NEW posts
%set custom_headers "X-Whatever: bla\nX-Misc: bla bla"
% Custom headers for followup/reply. These can use format specifiers as
% in the 'followup' string variable.
%set followup_custom_headers "X-newsgroup: %n\nX-realname: %r\n"
%set reply_custom_headers "X-newsgroup: %n\nX-realname: %r\n"
% Headers to show when viewing an articles. This is a comma-separated
% list of strings that specify what headers to show. Note that these
% strings are not regular expressions. However, one may use, e.g.,
% "X-" to match any header beginning with "X-". Similarly, "F" will
% match "From:" and "Followup".
visible_headers "From:,Subject:,Newsgroups:,Followup-To:,Reply-To:"
% WWW browser to use. The 'U' key in article mode searches the current article
% for a URL and then calls X browser if slrn appears to be run in X windows
% and non_Xbrowser otherwise. Note: The second Xbrowser form assumes that
% netscape is already running.
set non_Xbrowser "lynx '%s'"
set Xbrowser "netscape '%s' &"
%set Xbrowser "netscape -remote 'openURL(%s)' &"
% If autobaud is present, output rate will be synced to baud rate
% if non-zero, display first article when entering article-mode.
set show_article 0
% if non-zero, show description of newsgroup if available
set show_descriptions 1
% column where group descriptions start
set group_dsc_start_column 40
% If non-zero, backups of the newsrc file are not performed.
set no_backups 0
% If 0, do not beep terminal. If 1, send audible beep. If 2, send only
% visible bell. If 3, send both.
set beep 1
% If non-zero, slrn will automatically un-subscribe new groups.
% The default is 0.
set unsubscribe_new_groups 0
% If non-zero, all subject titles will be displayed even though many are
% duplicated. A zero value makes the screen look less busy.
set show_thread_subject 0
% If non-zero, slrn will draw the thread tree using simple ascii characters
set simulate_graphic_chars 0
% Enable xterm/win32 mouse support: 1 to enable, 0 to disable
set mouse 0
% Draw cursor bar ala tin instead of slrn "->" cursor?
set display_cursor_bar 0
% Set to 1 to have slrn scroll by full page instead of by line.
set scroll_by_page 0
% Setting this to 1 will cause an article to automatically be marked as read
% when viewed. Setting this to zero means that it is up to the user to
% explicitly mark an article as read.
set auto_mark_article_as_read 1
% Setting either of these to 0 will enable you to move directly to the
% next article/group without confirmation
set query_next_group 1
set query_next_article 1
% if zero, you will not see the "next group:" prompt. This is NOT the same
% as the 'query_next_group' variable.
set prompt_next_group 1
% Set this to 0 for no-confirmation on follow, reply, quit, etc...
set confirm_actions 1
% If 0, do not display the name of the author.
% If 1, display subject then name. If 2, display name then subject.
set author_display 2
% if 1, display author realname, if 0, display full address
set display_author_realname 1
% If 0, save all groups when writing newsrc file
% if 1, do not save any unsubscribed groups
% if 2, do not save any unread-unsubscribed groups
set write_newsrc_flags 0
% If non-zero, you will be prompted whether or not a Cc header will be
% generated on the followup.
set cc_followup 0
set cc_followup_string "[This message has also been posted.]"
% Set to 0 to turn off display of ~ at end of article
set use_tilde 1
% Filename where articles you have posted are archived.
%set save_posts "News/My_Posts"
%set save_replies "News/My_Replies"
%File where failed posts are appended. Use "" to disable saving.
%set failed_posts_file "dead.letter"
% The sendmail command allows you to substitute another mailer. Be sure that
% it implements the same interface as sendmail!
%set sendmail_command "/usr/lib/sendmail -oi -t -oem -odb"
% Name of score file (relative to HOME directory)
scorefile "News/Score"
% Articles scoring min_high_score and above constitute a high scoring article.
% Articles scoring below max_low_score define a low scoring article.
% Articles scoring at or below kill_score will be killed.
set min_high_score 1
set max_low_score 0
set kill_score -9999
% Name of directory where decoded files are placed (relative to HOME)
set decode_directory "News"
% Directory where all other files are saved.
set save_directory "News"
% Directory where postponed articles are placed. (Make sure it exists)
set postpone_directory "News/postponed"
% If non-zero, abort posting or email operation if the file was not modified
% by the editor.
set abort_unmodified_edits 0
% Command used to invoke editor. In the following example, %s represents
% the file name and %d represents the starting line number
%set editor_command "jed '%s' -g %d -tmp"
% Editor command for editing posts, mail, and score files. Note the use of
% single quotes around %s. This is only necessary if you use filenames
% with spaces in them.
%set mail_editor_command "jed '%s' -g %d -tmp"
%set post_editor_command "jed '%s' -g %d -tmp"
%set score_editor_command "jed '%s' -g %d -tmp"
% If non-zero, files used for posting, followup and reply will be regarded as
% temporary files in the directory specified by the TMPDIR environment
% variable or /tmp.
set use_tmpdir 0
% If 0, do not sort. If 1, perform threading. If 2, sort by subject
% If 3, thread then sort result by subject
% If 4, sort by score. If 5, thread then sort by score.
% If 6, sort by score and subject
% If 7, thread, then sort by score and subject
% If 8, sort by date with most recent first
% If 9, thread, then sort by date with most recent first
% If 10, sort by date with most recent last
% If 11, thread then sort by date with most recent last
set sorting_method 3
set display_score 0
% If 1, a header with a new subject will start a new thread.
set new_subject_breaks_threads 0
% If non-zero, threads will be uncollapsed when a group is entered
set uncollapse_threads 0
% If non-zero, slrn will read the active file when starting. This may lead to
% faster startup times IF your network connection is fast. If it slow,
% DO NOT USE IT. If you can, I recommend setting it to 1.
set read_active 0
% If non-zero and read_active is zero, slrn will attempt to use the NNTP
% XGTITLE command when listing unsubscribed groups